What's Happening at ECRM

Meet Ben!

Meet Ben! Ben is our newest volunteer! His favourite food is italian, he loves playing his guitar. His favourite holiday is Christmas, and he thinks the best travel spot is the Caribbean.

Meet Norm!

Meet Norm! Norm has been volunteering with us for 2 years, his favourite food is tacos, he loves painting and model railroading. His favourite holiday is Christmas, and he thinks the best travel spot is Hawaii.

Meet Fred!

Meet Fred! Fred has been volunteering here for 30 years! His favourite food is pizza, he loves model railroading and fishing, he doesn’t have a favourite holiday but really enjoys camping in the summer, and he loves to travel to Nova Scotia.

Meet Mark!

Meet Mark! Mark has been volunteering here for 6 years! His favourite food is chicken wings, he doesn’t have a favourite hobby, he likes doing a little bit of everything, he says everyday feels like a holiday, and he’s not a big traveler, and prefers to stay home!

Meet Ray K!

Meet Ray K! Ray has been volunteering here for just under 2 years! His favourite Food is stir fry with shrimp, his favourite hobby is model railroading, Christmas to him is the best holiday to celebrate and the best best place he’s travelled to is Aruba!

The Induction of Charles into the North America Railway Hall of Fame

Charles Beckett Charles graduated from St. Thomas Collegiate Institute in 1950 with a Senior Matriculation diploma. He then began his professional journey as a laborer for Elgin County Roadworks, where he worked for two years. In May 1952, he transitioned to railway service as a trained telegrapher with the New York Central Railway, Canada Division. […]

The End Of Our Summer 2023 Season

As the season comes to a close, I am delighted to reflect on the outstanding achievements and memorable moments that defined the past few months at both ECRM and CASO Station. This summer has exceeded all expectations and left a lasting mark on our patrons for both buildings. We had wonderful ECRM summer students this […]

ECRM Receives $94,000 OTF Grant to Improve Virtual Presence

Elgin County Railway Museum (ECRM) is proud to announce that we received a $94,400 Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation in 2021. Over the past year, ECRM has used these funds to develop virtual educational programming and museum tours, and to upgrade and improve their online collection database. Each of these improvements […]